Rental Requirements

1.- Valid official identification (INE, Passport, Professional ID, INAPAM)

2.- Valid driver's license, suitable for the type of vehicle you are going to drive. Guerrero licenses are not accepted except for residents of that state.

3.- Personalized valid credit card from a bank institution.If it is not personalized, an original account statement or pdf of the same card must also be submitted, no more than two months old.

4.- Not accepted:

a) Department store cards.

b) Master account cards.

c) Investment account cards.

d) Cards without VISA, MasterCard or AMEX support.

5.- Original proof of address or PDF Valid documents: electricity, water, natural gas, predial, telephone bill (TELMEX, MAXCOM, TOTALPLAY, MEGACABLE, AXTEL and IZZI) not older than two months. If the receipt is not by the name of the cardholder, a bank account statement not older than two months with their name will be required, whose address matches with the address of the receipt.

6.- Be over 23 years old


The experience of renting a car.